Sherman’s Lagoon Comic Strip Joins Andrews McMeel Syndication
Kansas City, MO (March 17, 2022) Andrews McMeel Syndication (AMS) will assume sales and distribution of Sherman’s Lagoon by Jim Toomey, announced Brent Bartram, Chief Strategy Officer and General Manager of AMS. The effective date is May 1, 2022.
Sherman’s Lagoon, an imaginary tropical lagoon haven, is home to a family of sea creatures whose marine lives humorously reflect those of humans (also known as “hairless beach apes” by the lagoon’s inhabitants). Starring the great white shark, Sherman, and his coral reef companions (including a hermit crab, a turtle, and other fish), their adventures in aquaculture have entertained readers for more than 30 years in 200 newspapers across five continents.
Presenting their antics with a sensitive eye toward the social and environmental impact of humans on marine life, Toomey has been twice awarded the Environmental Hero Award, given by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration “for using art and humor to conserve and protect our marine heritage.” The comic strip was previously syndicated by King Features.
“Drawing and writing Sherman’s Lagoon has never stopped being fun for me,” said Toomey. “But, as I get older, Sherman and his pals never seem to get wiser.”
“Sherman’s Lagoon is a delight to read, and appeals to adults and children alike,” said Bartram. “Toomey’s clever depiction of marine life characters encountering situations and challenges not so different from our own is instantly relatable, and his subtle but effective presentation of the importance of marine conservation only adds to its charm.”
The strip will also appear online on GoComics, and the feature is available for print and digital syndication internationally. For sales inquiries, please contact Jan Flemington,